「もし世界平和を望むのであれば、…」(ボーリング、2014) “If you want world peace, …” (Borling, 2014)

This is what I wrote in my personal Facebook post in 2014. August 6 is a good day to think about world peace.


With permission from my mentor Professor Jim Borling, I would like to share what I learned from the interview I conducted for the Community Mental Health Counseling (CMHC) class.


As a future lecturer in college-level education, I was looking forward to hearing how I could contribute from the educational setting to the welfare of society since this is the assignment for CMHC.


However, the insight came out from him was more micro level, introspective endeavor.


Prof. Borling stated, “In order for the society to change, it has to start from here,” pointing to himself.


Since Prof. Borling has long years of experience of working with those who abuse substance, I asked, “How can you, as a clinical music therapist and a professor, affect the change the societal view of substance?”


He said, “As a human-being and a music therapist, (it is) to be vulnerable, to find strength in weakness, to emotionally honest, to listen, to resist being an expert.”


He further stated “The archetypal male has many sides, not just one, many sides include being compassionate, vulnerable, and willing to compromise.”


His implication was such that since the social expectation often would not allow us to display vulnerability and weakness, some people would use or abuse substances to deal with the social pressure.


Then I further asked, “So then how can we change the societal norm or expectation?”


He replied, “What I can do to change the societal norm is I can change me.”


He further elaborated his point with two aspects. He stated “One is a model to show vulnerability and weakness for someone to observe.”


He also stated “Changing my perception of me also changes my perception of the world. If I change myself, then I see things differently. If I see things differently, I act differently. I contribute to the collective consciousness of culture.”


“But” he said, “it has to start from me.”


He stated, “If you want world peace, we need peace in the country, neighborhood, home and in the heart. So until I am in peace with myself, I can not help world peace.”


I feel fortunate to have him as my mentor. I would like to carry his message regardless the size of the context I work at.


ジム先生と私(Jim Borling and me)

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