日常の音楽聴取における美的鳥肌体験に関する研究 (Listening Between the Notes: Aesthetic Chills in Everyday Music Listening by E. C. Nusbaum, et. al)

When assisting a senior student’s final project, we found an interesting article by the search term music listening.

この研究は、音楽がもたらす美的「鳥肌」体験 (aesthetic chills) について検証するものです。この研究の特徴は、音楽という因子を実験室の中で単独のものとしてその効果を測定するのではなく、日常の中の音楽鑑賞中にどのように美的「鳥肌」体験を経験しているか、そしてその時の状況(誰かと一緒か一人か)、その時の感情(嬉しい、悲しい、不安)、自分で選んだ音楽か、そしてその音楽を聞き入っていたかどうかということまで検証している点である。
This study investigates the effect of music on people’s “aesthetic chills.” What is unique in this study is that, instead of segregating music as one variable within in the artificial lab, the researchers investigated the musical effect of aesthetic chills in a participants’ daily setting. Other variables they took into consideration were the context(with others or alone) and emotional states(happy, sad, worried), as well as the music (own selection or not), and listening behavior (listening closely or not).

As you might expect, the result showed that it is significantly more likely that people experience the aesthetic chills when they are listening to their own selected music closely in certain emotional states (happy or sad, not worried).

I like this study because the researchers take the context into considerations in investigating the effect of music.

Enjoy reading it further if you like.

Nusbaum, E. C., Silvia, P. J., Beaty, R. E., Burgin, C. J., Hodges, D. A., Kwapil, T. R. (2014) Listening between the notes: Aesthetic chills in everyday music listening. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, Vol 8(1), (pp. 104-109).
doi: http://dx.doi.org.lib-proxy.radford.edu/10.1037/a0034867

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