I went to see the movie “Alive inside” with my music therapy colleagues the other day.
This movie depicts how listening to the familiar songs from childhood or teenage years through the use of headphones and iPod would revitalize, bring smiles of, and recall memories of the elderly with Alzheimer’s disease.
またこの映画には、そういった病状にある高齢者の方々に、高価な薬ではなくもっと音楽を届けようというメッセージが込められていました。 この映画は、Dan Cohenというソーシャルワーカーの、音楽を老人ホームに入所している高齢者に届けようという取り組みを追った映画です。彼は、Music & Memoryという非営利団体を創設し、この取り組みを現在も続けています。
This movie also has the message that we should bring music to the elderly persons with the Alzheimer’s disease rahter than expensive medicine. This movie depicts the work and struggles of a social worker, Dan Cohen, to bring music to elderly in nursing homes. Mr. Cohen founded a non profit organization called “Music & Memory” to continue this effort.
The mission of this organization is to “brings personalized music into the lives of the elderly or infirm through digital music technology, vastly improving quality of life.”
This movie depicts the therapeutic power of music, which we as music therapist often witness daily. However, we must not assume that what they do is music therapy.
それはDan Cohenさん自身も認めていることです。詳しくは、こちらの「音楽療法かけはしの会」さんのブログをご参照ください。
Mr. Dan Cohen also acknowledges that what they do is not music therapy.
しかしながら、映画の日本語字幕では「音楽療法」という言葉が頻繁に出てきました。実際にMusic Therapyという言葉が使われていない部分で、その様に訳されていることがありました。私としてはちょっと残念でした。
Yet, it was unfortunate that the term “music therapy” was often used in the Japanese subtitles of the movie. The Japanese term of “music therapy” was used when the English term was not actually used.
To put it in the easiest term, music therapy is
“the process of improving the health of the individuals in need through the relationship in music.”
それを考えると、このヘッドフォンで幼少期や青春期に聴いたと思われる音楽を聴かせるという「方法」一つとって、音楽療法とは言えません。 そこには「関わり」が欠落しているからです。
Given the premise, this receptive “method” of providing the familiar music from childhood or teenage years of the person through the use of headphones cannot be considered as music therapy. It is because it lacks the relational factor.
Dan Cohenさんは、きっとあったかいハートの持ち主なのでしょう。彼が施設の高齢者に音楽を聴かせる時は常に敬意があり、またその方々が音楽に反応する時には、いつも自然に関係を持っていました。なので、一見すると音楽療法の様に見えます。高齢者の方々も、自発的に話をしたり、歌いだしたり、踊りだしたりと、あからさまな変化が見られます。健康的に変化した様に見えます。
Mr. Dan Cohen probably is a guy with a warm heart. When he approaches the elderly persons in nursing home to have them listen to music, he appeared respectful to them. Also when the elderly persons respond to the music, he would interact with them naturally. The elderly people in the film would volunterarily start talking, singing, and dancing. They obviously looked different. It looks as though they have become healthier.
Then, did the change occure solely by the method of “listening to familiar music through headphones”? I don’t think so. There always was a relational factor involved. Mr. Cohen’s way of acknowledging their response to the music played the significant role, I think.
His effort, at this point, is to “bring personalized music.” It is different from music therapy which attempts to “improve the health of the individuals through the relationship in music.” It is not “music” that calms the mind. It is the “shared musical experience” that calms the mind.
If this method alone is introduced to the nursing homes being considered as “music calms the mind of these people,” that would probably cause many problems. I can imagine the person with Alzheimer’s disease would be scared of wearing the headphones for not understanding what would happen, and become physically violent, if one would approach with the attitude of “just wear these headphones”
In order to become a music therapist, we must learn to acquire the skills and knowledge in music, disability, communication, various music therapy approaches and their fundamental theories, documentation, ethics and so forth.
People nowadays seem to want some “quick fix.” Therefore, it would be no surprise that people would call this method depicted in the movie “alive inside” as music therapy for it would provide them a quick fix. However, it is not music therapy. In the “process of improving the health of the individuals in need through the relationship in music”, various knowledge and skills, foundamental theory and research findings, and ethical consideration are mandatory.
What has been depcited in the movie is wonderful. But I hope people would not misunderstand this as “music therapy”.