日本で音楽療法博士になれます(You can earn American Ph D in Music Therapy in Japan!)



Did you know that you can earn Ph D in Music Therapy in Japan?


Temple University, prestigious school in American music therapy that created many fine music therapy practitioners, theorists and researchers, has a branch in Tokyo Japan.  And they are launching the Ph D course in Music Therapy at Temple University Japan (as know as TUJ).  Please refere to the link below for the actual information.






The Ph D courses consist with intensives and online learning, just as same as what they offer in Philadelphia main campus.  It is arranged in the way that those who have full time position can manage.


I am going to challenge this Ph D program.  I have been accepted to the program before I began my current job and have postponed the admission.

Below is the schedule of the courses offered during intensive, which I acquired from Dr. Dileo, the Coordinator PhD Program in Music Therapy.

テンプル大学日本校 Temple University Tokyo

2016年夏学期 音楽療法コース Music Therapy Courses offered Summer, 2016

音楽教育9641 (講師:デリオ博士、1単位)博士セミナー Music Education 9641 (Dileo 1 cr.) Doctoral Seminar

音楽教育8602 (講師:デリオ博士、3単位)量的研究 Music Education 8602 (Dileo 3 cr.) Quantitative Research

音楽教育8618 (講師:デリオ博士、2単位)音楽と医療:生物心理社会的基礎 Music Education 8618 (Dileo, 2 cr.) Music and Medicine: Biopsychosocial Foundations

授業時間:午前9時から午後4時まで Times for all classes are: 9:00 to 4:00

4月25日(月)から4月28日(木) 量的研究 (修士号博士号課程混合授業)

From Monday April 25​ to Thursday April 28​ Mus Ed 8602 Quantitative Research (Master’s or PhD students)

4月29日(金)から4月30日(土)音楽と医療 (修士号博士号課程混合授業)

From Friday April 29 to ​​Saturday April 30 Mus Ed 8618​Music and Medicine (Master’s or PhD Students)


On Sunday May 1 ​​Mus Ed 9641​Doctoral Seminar (PhD Students Only)



For these courses to be offereed, certain number of enrollment is needed.  I encourage you to contact Dr. Dileo if you are interested in the program.  It is a great opportunity for Asian music therapist to gain more expertise in music therapy while being close to home.   All the courses are offered in English.  Here is her email address.


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  1. タイトルに軽微な修正(Americanを追加)と、リンクの修正をしました(2015年11月8日)。
