Even though the title of this blog is “My new year’s resolution for 2017”, the first month of the year is almost over. The last entry of my blog was “My new year’s resolution for 2016“, you can imagine how busy the year was, and the busyness is still continuing.
So instead of talking about my new year resolutions, I will write about what I am doing in 2017. My new year resolution is to complete what I am planning to do this year!
1. テンプル大学日本校での音楽療法博士号関連の授業履修(4月末から6月末)
#1 Taking required courses for Ph. D in music therapy at Temple University Japan (from end of April to end of June)
Ph D in music therapy at Temple University Japan has begun last year. It was truly a valuable learning experience for me. Especially “Quantitative research in music therapy (graduate level course)” was very inspiring for me to do research. It was something that Dr. Dileo could teach for her deep knowledge and understanding in unique nature of music therapy. Also I experienced “existential improvisation” in “Music in medicine (graduate level course)” course. It was really powerful. Since there were so many readings to be done, I would like to be better prepared this year.
The courses I am going to take this year are “MUED 8621 Music Therapy Ethics”, “MUED 8624 Research in Music Medicine”, “MUED 9641. Music therapy Doctoral Seminar”. I am also taking “Qualitative Research in Music Therapy” that is offered in Fall fully online.
2. 第15回世界音楽療法大会に参加(7月初旬)

#2 Participating in the 15th World Congress of Music Therapy (Early July)
The World Congress of Music Therapy is the international music therapy conference that is held every two years. This year, it is going to be held at Tsukuba International Congress Center in Japan. I was going to participate one in 2011. But because it was after the earthquake of 2011 and my business was severely affected by it, I could not take part in it. I have been in the field for a long time. But this is going to be my first World Congress and I am excited. As I am a collaborating researcher for the Professor Matsumoto at Mukogawa Woman’s University, I will be at her presentation (as a cheer leader!). Just so you know, I helped her English writing in her abstract.
3. ボニー式GIMレベル2トレーニング開催(7月下旬)
事業名:2017年度 ボニー式GIM実践家育成プログラム(レベル2)
期間: 2017(平成29)年7月22日から同年同月27日まで
場所:学校法人 同朋学園(名古屋音楽大学) Doプラザ閲蔵 多目的ホール Hall Do
通訳兼アシスタント:吉原奈美(GIM フェロー、テンプル大学博士号課程在籍)
#3 Hosting BM-GIM level II training (End of July)
Last year, Nagoya College of Music hosted very first GIM level I training in Japan. And we are going to host its level II training this summer. We have not opened the registration. But below is the detail of the training. We will announce it when the registration is open.
Title: Bonny Method-GIM Level II training 2017
Period: From July 22, 2017 to July 27, 2017
Place: Doho Gakuen Educational Foundation Nagoya College of Music “Hall Do”
Primary trainer: Jim Borling (Radford University)
Interpreter and assistant trainer: Name Yoshihara (FAMI, Ph. D student at Temple University)
4. 研究(9月以降)
#4. Research (From September)
In order to conduct the research, I must be awarded with the governmental fund. But if the fund is granted to my research proposal, I will begin doing the research from this Fall. It is going to be a GIM related research with mixed method that has both quantitative and qualitative approach. I am hoping to be able to apply the knowledge I gain through Temple Ph D program. Please pray that the fund will be awarded to my research proposal.
It will be another busy year. I won’t be updating my blog often. But I am posting something in twitter and Facebook. Please check those for more updated information.
Twitter https://twitter.com/mickeydad
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Yujiigarimtbc/
感謝 Thanks
猪狩裕史 Yuji Igari